Welcome to Parivartan Foundation,
Parivartan Foundation is one of the top Rehabilitation Centre in Delhi which has emerged as the best Nasha Mukti Kendra providing the best support for those people who are in the practice of substance and intoxicating substances such as drugs and alcohol and requires support to come back to the normal healthy life. Being in existence for years, this has made our foundation a beacon of hope for individuals who are battling with drug addiction. As a result, we acknowledge addiction as a complex illness affecting an individual and their family and community. We take time and effort to try to get clients the best long-term solution for their problems and help.
Parivartan Foundation is established in Delhi and is one of the few best Rehab Centres in Delhi. Regardless of the substance of choice – drugs or alcohol – our team creates individualized treatment regimens that are grounded in proven science and supported by spirituality. The general aim of our Rehab centre is to assist the people as they step out of the vice of substance dependency and give them the opportunities within a assuring context to make the most out of their lives.
Alcohol addiction Treatment
Alcohol Addiction or Alcoholism is a generally spread sickness which influences ordinary existence of a person. Alcoholism can be considered because of numerous components including hereditary qualities, sex, social environment, and psychological well-being of a man.
Drug addiction Treatment
Drug rehabilitation (frequently drug recovery or just recovery) is a term for the procedures of therapeutic or psychotherapeutic treatment, for reliance on psychoactive substances, for example, alcohol, doctor prescribed drugs, and road drugs, for example, cocaine, heroin or amphetamines.
Cocaine addiction Treatment
Cocaine is a highly addictive recreational drug that is either a white crystalline powder or an off-white chunky substance. It is snorted (inhaled through nose), smoked and injected into the bloodstream.
Heroin addiction Treatment
Heroin is an opioid drug that is synthesized from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seed pod of the Asian opium poppy plant. Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder or as a black sticky substance, known as "black tar heroin."
Dual Diagnosis Treatment
Dual Diagnosis Treatment - A man who has both an alcohol or drug issue and a passionate/psychiatric issue is said to have a double conclusion. To recuperate completely, the individual needs treatment for both issues. Drug and alcohol misuse and substance reliance can be a misnomer for a few.
Therefore selecting the right Rehab in Delhi for the individual is one of the most important decisions they can ever have to make. Parivartan Foundation strongly supports the idea of the diversity of patients, and therefore their therapy should be completely different too. At our foundation started on a principle that each individual requires a customized approach with a focus on getting back to normalcy emotionally, physically, and psychologically. Here’s why Parivartan Foundation should be your choice for a Nasha Mukti Kendra in Delhi
Here we have provided as much information as possible. There is no substitute for talking to a real person who can answer your specific questions regarding your specific circumstances.
We're here. We're ready to help you
to Get Help Now
If you or your loved one is suffering from substance use disorder do not wait for tomorrow to seek help for it. Call on Parivartan Foundation, the best Rehab centre in Delhi now and change your lifestyle to a happy and healthy one. Our programs are customized depending on your needs, our employees are friendly, and most of all our methods are evidenced based.
We are now accepting all those individuals who are willingly and willing to regain control over their lives. No matter if you are in search of Nasha Mukti Kendra in Delhi or you want to join a Rehabilitation Centre in Delhi, Parivartan Foundation is with you throughout your recovery process. Come and talk to us now on how you can be on the right track to living a healthy life from addiction.